
The artist name is Angel Zamorano, born in East Los Angeles California in 1968. Without his father by his side, he had a rough beginning but overcame it. He was raised in Durango Mexico by his maternal grandparents who showed him values and hard work was the key to be productive and successful. When he was 13, he came back to the US to attend school. It was until in his junior year (1986) in high school that he took a much-needed elective class to graduate. He venture in to a Leather Engraving class being taught by Mr. Thomas. He enjoyed the class and his loved for leather engraving started to grow. He graduated and went on to college and in the process the leather engraving was put to aside. It was until he found his father in 1999 by pure luck. That his loved of leather came back to his life. It happens that his father was a great leather engraver that was known to sell his work in the Placita Olvera in downtown Los Angeles. In the short time that he knew his father of about two years he learns a lot from him on his process of working with leather. Since then, he has been working at the Art and getting better at it.

"He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.” Saint Francis of Assisi (1182-1126)
